
Of course you, your goals and your needs are the central focus – what else? My programs and workshops are tailored to you, you aren’t buying something „off the rack“. But my work follows creative as well as proven principles which ensure that you will achieve the best possible result.

My work is based on experience. This keeps, to say the least, the energy level and concentration high. Experience in this sense has diverse sources:

  • Above all direct experience from exercises and projects that make behavior patterns recognizable and therewith variable/changeable. In modular structured programs, „projects“ can be concrete (change-oriented) projects from your core business.
  • To that comes your experience from your daily work and your knowledge of the culture in which you operate as well as my experience of working in very different contexts and cultures over many years.
  • In the end it is also the experience of others that is brought into the program through story telling: Analogies as well as parallels stimulate creativity.

The reflection of the experience is the next step. What are typical patterns in daily business? Is that (still) helpful or not? What do we want to change and how?

At the end there are usually clear lessons and agreements that are concrete, manageable and able to be tested. In the case of modular programs, the new experience flows into the next module and the circle closes.